This document details the Education and Training Foundation’s Digital Teaching Professional Framework; a competency framework for teaching and training practitioners in the further education and training sector.
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This framework, designed by the ETF in conjunction with JISC, offers a constructive framework to support providers in ensuring that their staff have the appropriate digital skills in order to be confident and competent in the classroom,...
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This Government Office for Science report highlights the importance of supporting further education teachers to help them improve the teaching and learning of digital skills, given the increasing demand for digital skills across the UK...
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Teaching, Leadership and Governance in Further Education is a Department for Education research paper detailing the approaches being undertaken by providers to address the immediate challenges being faced by the sector.
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This document contains the revised UK Quality Code for Higher Education.
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Here you will find the current handbook for inspecting further education and skills providers.
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The College’s Senior Post Holder Remuneration Code for Colleges in England sets out guidance to help governing boards meet and exceed basic governance requirements, demonstrating that the sector has robust arrangements to govern...
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The Code has since been updated at Section 9 on ‘Remuneration of Senior Post Holders’ to introduce a Colleges Senior Post Holder Remuneration Code.
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The Code of Good Governance for English Colleges is intended to help governing boards meet and exceed basic governance requirements. The Code has been developed through a sector-wide process of consultation and replaces the Foundation Code.
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This PowerPoint presentation supported a networking webinar, offering guidance to those planning learning and assessment.
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