
Managing Workload

September 22, 2022 3:36 pm Published by

The importance of positive working environments and managing your time effectively are the key aims of this session. With it now being widely recognised that those organisations that are known for having a trusting and caring nature are... [Read More]

Why does Trauma Matter?

July 26, 2022 1:09 pm Published by

A disturbing aspect of the increase in mental health is the number of students and colleagues who are showing the adverse impacts of trauma. It is generally accepted that a trauma-informed approach is the best way to offer support;... [Read More]

Mental Health Awareness

August 12, 2021 10:50 am Published by

This session will embed elements of Dalton Wise’s 8 Wise™ wellness approach, a mental wellness model that combines psychotherapy with the concepts of psychology, emotional intelligence, leadership development, mental health and... [Read More]

Growth Mindsets: A Key to Success

August 11, 2021 4:52 pm Published by

This session has been designed to highlight how growth mindsets throughout an organisation can have a positive impact on all aspects of its business. When a growth mindset is developed through a positive environment, individuals can... [Read More]