23 February 2022

Derby College Sport student Ben Cudworth (17) has secured a part-time job in the fitness centre at Ripley Leisure Centre after impressing managers during his work experience placement.

Ben, a former pupil at Belper School, is on the Level Three Fitness Instructor study programme at Broomfield Hall which has a strong focus on work experience.

He secured a 14-week placement through the College’s employer academy programme with Places Leisure which runs leisure centres in Ripley, Alfreton and Heanor on behalf of Amber Valley Borough Council.

His skills and positive attitude have now led to him being offered casual paid hours whilst he completes his study programme and he is hoping to gain a permanent position when he leaves college this summer.

Senior Fitness Instructor Oliver Simpson said: “Placement students work alongside our fitness team to gain the skills, knowledge and experience needed to work in the fitness industry. This includes shadowing our Gym Instructors and Personal Trainers whilst they deliver appointments and completing tasks such as the cleaning and maintenance of the equipment.

“We could see from the outset just how enthusiastic Ben was, his willingness to do all different aspects of the job and how well he interacted with the members. Therefore, when some casual hours became available, we immediately thought of offering them to him.

“Although we offer a lot of work experience placements, we have never had anyone who has then been offered casual hours whilst still at college, which just shows Ben’s calibre.”

Ben continued: “The College put me in touch with Places for People and I started my 14-week placement last November working every Wednesday. I love being in the gym environment and all the staff have been great showing me the ropes.

“Doing the College course has opened the door to getting my dream job and I hope it will lead to a permanent position when I finish College this summer so that I can work here and gain further qualifications.”

For more information about the study programmes and work experience opportunities available at Derby College Group (DCG), please visit the college website or call 0800 028 0289.