Imposter Syndrome: What it is and how to beat it
This useful resource, developed by TEDs speaker, coach and mentor Andrew Pain provides useful information on recognising and dealing with imposter syndrome. [Read More]
This useful resource, developed by TEDs speaker, coach and mentor Andrew Pain provides useful information on recognising and dealing with imposter syndrome. [Read More]
With the need for providers to regularly review and reflect on how they are able to meet the requirements of the Prevent duty, and the Education inspection framework, this handy self-assessment tool can be used to gather evidence and... [Read More]
This PDF, provided by Sam Hope, outlines terms and definitions in relation to sexuality. [Read More]
This PDF provided by Sam Hope offers clear terminology and definitions in relation to trans/gender divergence. [Read More]
This report supports the view that effective, mature governance is crucial and recognises that college governors are volunteers who offer their skills and expertise to the sector. Its purpose is to examine how the matrix can act as a... [Read More]
This useful resource accompanies Kim Rutherford’s ‘Wellness and Mental Health’ and ‘How to …’ sessions. The e-Book offers helpful guidance on how to use 8 Wise wellness model to improve wellness and... [Read More]
This helpful resource helps provides information on the RISE technique explained in the Leading Remotely webinar. [Read More]
Published in January 2020, this document outlines current guidance for those managing and delivering maths and English to apprentices. [Read More]
This ETF resources outlines 10 helpful tips and ideas for those delivering FS English to ESOL learners who have basic literacy needs. [Read More]
This resource provides information on an ETF project that was developed in conjunction with emCETT detailing how technology can support 16-18 year old apprentices with FS maths in the workplace. [Read More]