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Football and life goals: great match!

What role can sport and exercise play in helping learners to reach their potential?

In this episode of Let’s Go Further, we hear from Damian Butters, Sports Course Coordinator at Shipley College, whose Ability Counts football team won their regional league earlier this year. Ability Counts football brings together individuals from a variety of backgrounds, giving those with disabilities or learning difficulties the chance to express their talents and be part of a team.

Listen as Damian shares how the team has boosted his learners’ self-esteem, developed their life skills, and benefited their studies. Whether you’re a sports fan or not, this episode is sure to put a smile on your face.

Who is Damian Butters?

Damian Butters is a Sports and Independent Living Course Co-Ordinator working in the Foundation Learning Department at Shipley College. A passionate football fan, he is committed to giving every learner the opportunity to play the game and is the current Manager of the Ability Counts college team.

“My learners gain so much from being part of the team. It makes them feel part of a family and they gain great confidence. I would highly recommend any college to introduce this to their department”.

Last season, the Shipley College team were crowned champions of the Yorkshire ad Humber Ability Counts League. Off the back of this success, I sat down to talk with Damian about the power of sport as an educational tool, the benefits it offers students physically, mentally and socially, and what it can ultimately do to help improve learner life prospects.


  • Download the transcript for this podcast here.
  • Read more about the team’s win at the 2018/19 ECFA pan-disability national cup here.