9 November 2021

North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College (NWSLC) is due to mark national Lifelong Learning Week 2021 by opening its doors to adults who are thinking about returning to study. Supported by the Learning and Work Institute, Lifelong Learning Week is designed to celebrate the benefits of further and higher education on personal development and wellbeing as well as boosting career opportunities.

The NWSLC website will be subject to a Lifelong Learning Week takeover between 8 - 12 November 2021 and visitors are invited to drop into its campuses for an informal chat, to get some advice, or explore course options.

Lifelong Learning Week drop-in sessions are due to take place between 6pm and 8pm on:

Sally Denning, Director of Adult Education at NWSLC said, “Job vacancies in the UK hit a record high over the last quarter with 1.1 million jobs available for those with the right skills. There are so many ways for adults to access the training and qualifications they need to successfully secure these roles, including online and distance learning, through apprenticeships, by attending college on a part-time basis or achieving higher level qualifications. Here at NWSLC, we have careers advisers that can assist with CV building, job search and interview techniques and our links to hundreds of local and regional employers puts us in the best position to advise on the best routes into work.

“Learning is not all about career success.According to research carried out for the Learning and Work Institute, around up to half of adults say that they have experienced benefits relating to personal wellbeing or health. Having been so constrained during lockdown, now is a great opportunity to get involved in learning.”

NWSLC is also calling on businesses to get involved with Lifelong Learning Week by making a commitment to refresh their approach to training and development.

Sally Denning added, “So much has changed since the start of the pandemic. Businesses have pivoted their operations and adapted to accommodate remote learning. The college has changed too and vastly increased its capacity to offer distance learning qualifications, many of which are free to study. As businesses make progress with post-pandemic recovery, this week is the perfect time to talk to us about how we can help you to fulfil your commitment to your team’s continuous professional development.” To get involved in Lifelong Learning Week, visit the NWSLC website. Businesses can contact the college’s business engagement team on engage@nwslc.ac.uk.

Thank you to North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College for submitting this news story. If you would like to share a news story from your organisation, we’d love to hear from you. Email us at media@skillsedugroup.co.uk.