7 June 2021

Business studies, computer science and accountancy students at West Nottinghamshire College have been applauded by their tutors, friends, parents, and principal and chief executive Andrew Cropley at their annual rewards and celebration evening.

Almost 80 guests, including students, staff and parents, came together virtually for the online event to congratulate the many successes and achievements throughout the year.

Learners from the three curriculum areas were nominated by their tutors for awards in the categories of student of the year, most employable student, and 100% attendance.

This year’s event, on Wednesday 26 May, was held online due to the pandemic and was planned, managed and hosted entirely by Level 3 Foundation Diploma in Business students Owen Schofield, Reece Tomlinson, Ellie Graham and Katie Gray as part of the ‘managing an event’ module of their course.

The group organised the event, contacted all nominated students with details of the celebrations, ensuring they responded through the online event management and ticketing service, Eventbrite. Parents and tutors were encouraged to attend too. Owen, Reece, Ellie and Katie also organised certificates of achievement and engraved awards for the students of the year, and delivered the presentation on the night.

Across the business studies, computer science and accountancy classes, 42 individual awards were presented to students who, according to Mr Cropley, had “developed great resilience and new skills as well as overcoming adversity, which will put you in a great place for life, setting you up for a prosperous and rewarding future.”

Of these, 14 learners were named student of the year for their class, 12 received accolades for most employable student, and 16 scooped 100% attendance awards, all chosen by their subject teachers.

Owen Schofield, 16, said: “It’s been a great experience, organising something as large as this. Planning can be really hard at times and there were moments where we felt like giving up, but then other times it felt like it was going well.

“As a team, we all pulled through and it was a great success. We’ve been able to reflect on things we could have done better and we recognise that you need to be consistent in your approach when organising events and always apply that teamwork mentality. We’re delighted the event went really well and we’ve had great feedback from teachers and the principal.”

Head of digital, business and AAT Trudi Dean said: “Every student deserves recognition this academic year – they’ve all worked under very difficult circumstances but have shown true resilience.

“Huge thanks to of our teachers and support services staff and to all the staff and students working in our learning company, Resolve IT, which has gone from strength to strength since it started last November. “I’m really looking forward to next academic year, with our new curriculum designed with support from local and national employers, and to be working in partnership with Nottingham Trent University to promote higher-level studies with the HNC/HND in Computing and the Foundation Degree in Business Studies.”