Let’s Go Further, the podcast from the Skills and Education Group that aims to challenge thinking on skills and education, is to return for a third series and will shine a light on adult education.


The series of six episodes will launch on Tuesday 3 October and will ask whether, as a nation, we are still committed to the century-old vision of adult education as both universal and lifelong.


From what and who adult education is really for, to how it should be funded for the benefit of individuals, employers and society, the podcast will be looking to shed light on what is set to be a key talking point in the run up to the next general election.


The Let’s Go Further podcast was first launched in the autumn of 2022 with a series focused on social mobility. The second series was published in the spring of 2023 and looked at issues around equity, diversity and inclusion. To date, the podcast has had approximately 2,000 downloads.


Listen to the Let’s Go Further back catalogue here.


Let’s Go Further is presented by Joe Mcloughlin, Skills and Education Group’s Foundation and External Affairs Manager. Speaking ahead of the launch of series three, he said:

“We are extremely proud of the success of the first two series of our podcast and we can’t wait to publish series three. Discussions around ‘skills gaps’ and encouraging the over 50s to return to work or training have been growing since Brexit and the pandemic – and with an election coming next year, we wanted to take the opportunity to share with policy makers and the public what adult education is and what it can do for all of us.”

— Joe Mcloughlin, Foundation and External Affairs Manager


Scott Forbes, Chief Operating Officer (Development and Delivery) at Skills and Education Group said:

“When we decided to launch Let’s Go Further, we knew we wanted it to be a space to have the sometimes uncomfortable but absolutely necessary conversations about issues that affect our sector. Adult education is a pressing issue and, as we launch series three, we are determined to leverage Skills and Education Group’s position to facilitate a set of much needed and timely discussions.”

— Scott Forbes, Chief Operating Officer (Development and Delivery)


The Let’s Go Further podcast is produced by the Skills and Education Group in collaboration with Research Podcasts and is available wherever you receive your podcasts, including YouTube. You can follow the Skills and Education Group on LinkedIn, Twitter and via their website.


Following the launch of the first episode in series three, subsequent episodes will be published on alternate Tuesdays throughout October, November and into December.


For all media enquiries please contact Catherine McDonald at Popping Orange Communications.




07515 116547

Tune into Series 2 of Let's Go Further and listen back to Series 1.

Let's Go Further together!